Friday, June 4, 2010

Peaches, Ripe and Ready!

Clearly, our peach trees are the most prolific producers in the garden. For the last three weeks the peaches from our Desert Gold have filled crates, buckets and bowls with juicy, plump, fruit. This years fruit was smaller than usual but, sweet as can be! As the first warm week in June arrives, the only thing left on the tree are the peaches that are way out of reach. (Lucky birds!) Just as the harvesting of the Desert Gold is winding down, the fruit on our Gold Dust and May Pride peach trees are beginning to turn that perfect shade of "peach". Each morning we are up early to compete with the birds for the newly ripened peaches. The warmer the days, the faster the peaches turn and the faster we have to pick them. Everyday we are amazed at the amount of peaches that each tree produces.
Here's our magic ice chest. I bought it last year at the end of the season for half price (True Value special!). It was just what I was looking for. It's perfect because it has wheels, so I don't have to lug my old cooler out every morning. But, that's not why it's magic. It's magic for two reasons. One, I load it up with bags of delicate, ripe peaches and when I come back out an hour later, they are gone! Two, if I do happen to be outside working in the garden (which is pretty often), I get to meet the most fascinating and friendly people in the world.
We hope you enjoy the peaches.
Thanks for stopping!


Kim said...

I will be by this week to pick up a bag. Your photos are inviting.

Tammy said...

Your peaches look delicious.

btw, If you ever see that ice chest on sale again - can you please let us know? We would love to have it. Thanks. said...

Are peaches still available? I've bribed a friend to make me a cobbler if I provide the goodies.
Just so you know, I'm printing images of your garden and pegging them on my vision board. You are inspirational. Thanks for being Jill!!

Anonymous said...

The peaches were simply delicious! Thank you for offering them to us!