Monday, February 20, 2012

New Kids at Goat Chick Farm!

Saturday was an unexpectedly busy day. While picnicking at the park with the family, I received a frantic call from fellow urban farmer Leah. I could only make out a couple of the words, they were COME NOW! Leah had warned me that husband Jack would be out of town until later that afternoon, so I knew  I would be on call just in case of the upcoming goat birth. So while Jack was on his way back to Phoenix, there was something wonderful going on in his back yard! Warning, this is a real birth, so it's a little graphic...
When I arrived, everyone was huddled in a shady corner of the goat pen. Leah, calm and collected, her Nigerian Dwarf Goat mommy, Dorothy and two just barely born baby goats! Adorable and amazing was my only thought. Take a look!
First goat out, already trying to get on his feet  Still a little wobbly, but just about up!

Leah, making sure everyone is getting a little warm milk.
Cleaning and a sweet nuzzle for baby.
Mother and babies bonding, Leah, much relieved and of course bonding too.
 Below, a much appreciated snack for Dorothy.
Dorothy resting and goat babies ready to play!

Not much more to say, except that we are all happy that everything went so well! We are enjoying the beauty of birth and growth and are now waiting on Charlotte, who will also kid anytime. A big thanks to Leah for letting me be a part of it. It was heart warming to watch her attend to her goats!
As the goats grow, Jack and Leah, the Sweet Life Garden family and the Boho Farm family will share in the care and milking of the " village goats". We will keep you updated on the progress as we learn to work together in this new urban farm venture. Thank you for stopping!


SweetLand Farm said...

OMW!!! Wonderful pictures, and the kids are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read how they progress!

Sweet Life Garden said...

Thank you SweetLand!

Lexa said...

So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Goats just make me smile and those newborn kids are adorable. So glad that everything went well :)

Margherita said...

This is the cutest thing ever!

Joanne said...

Oh my gosh you just made me smile from ear to ear. They are absolutely adorable!
Blessings, Joanne

Isabel Gomes said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.

Project Home said...

How amazing! The kids are adorable. Way to go!

Anonymous said...


Nice to meet you! This post is so CUTE!

Ciao Bella!

Off to scroll through you blog some more..

Bella Bliss