Monday, November 5, 2012

Arcadia's Edible Garden Tour Update

 The shed needs a new coat of paint, the chickens are squawking about their twenty year old coop (yes, it's time to tear it down and build it again), and we will soon be welcoming two new grand babies to our family! This season seems to be filled to the brim, not only for us but for our wonderful neighborhood gardeners.
 We have decided that we all need a little breather to catch up, spruce up, and maybe change up a few things in the gardens.
We are postponing this years Fall Edible Garden Tour until the Spring in order to focus on individual garden projects. So, don't miss the April/May Spring tour since it will be twice the fun!
 Our family of urban farmers will proceed with our plans for a fabulous 2013 Spring Tour and keep you updated on the details!
 Here, at our backyard farm and orchard we will be busy pruning, planting and gathering a few new gardeners to join us in our endeavor to inspire and share our gardens with our neighbors and friends. We look forward to keeping you posted on what we are currently up to as well as news of the upcoming tour!

In the meantime, here's one last look at the old chicken coop. It's where all of the little chicks grew up! Millie and Mabel being the oldest...
Here are a few things coming up in our garden.

 Freedom Ranger broilers are growing and growing! I'll tell you about the whole process on my next post.
Down the street, Jack and Leah's Fall garden (below) is filled with beautiful kale, broccoli, fava beans and other cool weather veggies. Don't you love the tower they built for their snap peas!
A closer look inside their fenced garden.

I stopped by Rebecca's place ( to find her front yard overflowing with ... everything!  You'll be able to see for yourself at the Spring Edible Garden Tour!

We can't wait to see you!
Now, go VOTE!


Lisa said...

Your gardens are sooo beautiful!! Can you share a tip to eliminate
the horned tomato worm...just picked 18 off of one plant HELP!!

Katrina Blanchalle said...

Wow, wow, WOW! I hope I may have a fraction of that green abundance in a month or two.

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

Everything is just beautiful and healthy looking!!! And yummy!! :)