Friday, August 12, 2011

August Pride

The last of our peach trees were harvested by the end of May, except for our three year old August Pride. This lone, late summer peach tree hung on through the long, hot Phoenix summer. It's rock hard peaches were caked with a fine layer of dust from our recent monsoon storms. I almost forgot about the peaches, thinking that they'd never ripen in this heat. Until, the first week of August, when I noticed a few peaches lying, under the tree. Who would have known that beneath the shade of the leafy green canopy, thirty or so  large round, red-blushed, yellow fleshed, freestone peaches were ripening to perfection.

But, that was the plan, to extend the season of luscious peaches by planting trees that come to harvest at different times. From our Desert Gold to the May Pride, Mid Pride and Eva's Pride, we are honing our skills as orchardists.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for a bigger and better harvest from our August Pride next year, and hopefully we'll have plenty to share with our neighbors!
Take a look at these beauties!

                                                       Have a sweet Summer!


OrganicMama said...

They are so beautiful, I could cry. Really. :)

littlekarstar said...

They look so luscious and are making my mouth water already! Feeling very peach deprived. Winter over here.

Judith Mercado said...


Boho Farm and Home said...

Those look great Jill! We are going to have to talk about this August Pride! xo Caroline

RobertN said...

Superb! I put you on my friend list, people from my country must know you and your work!

Casa Mariposa said...

They look delicious!! I buy peaches from a local orchard every summer. The ones at the grocery store look like green tennis balls. Sad! Happy gardening! :o)