Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Phoenix Tour de Coop

The growing popularity of raising urban livestock has made its way to the the backyards of Phoenix. Tucked away in quiet corners of your neighbor's property are small flocks of chattering chickens. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to have a flock of your own, now is your chance. On December 5th from 10:00 to 3:00, the Phoenix Permaculture Guild will host it's first Tour de Coop. In this self-guided tour, fellow keepers-of-chickens from around the Phoenix area, will open their coops and let you take a peek. We, at Sweet Life Garden are excited to be a participant in this event. We have reorganized the compost piles, pulled a few weeds, touched up the garden gate, and of course the chickens have tidied up their coops. Sadly, our egg output has decreased because of all the excitement! If you are contemplating fresh eggs, cackling hens, and a little of the urban farm life but don't know where to start, stop by and say hello. Tickets and maps are $10.00, and available at each coop location or through the Phoenix Permaculture Guild.

1 comment:

Ted & Patty said...

Hey Jill,
I saw a spot about the Tour de Coop on The Pat McMahon Show today. They showed some of your photos! Baby Betty Joe Pickins looked awfully cute on TV. Hope it all goes well this weekend.