Friday, August 6, 2010

Preserving the Harvest

Preserving, I like that word. It brings to mind images of the hustle and bustle of hands and hips and aprons. It has only been in the last few years that we have actually had enough extra fruit to preserve. Together, my daughter and I are going through the age old movements that our great grandmothers went through. Picking, packing, washing, peeling, and boiling, all of this while breathing in the sweet aroma of cooking peaches in a steamy kitchen. This process makes me realize what we've been missing. Our peach trees have brought us to this place, giving us fruit to share and keep. We have reached across generations and seasons to continue this simple tradition. I can sum all the work that we have done in one word. Satisfying!
While researching the best methods and techniques to preserve our harvest, we were amazed at the wonderful sites filled with information, support and recipes. While we could go into more details about our canning adventures, these sites do a much better job of explaining the details of preserving your fruit at the peak of its flavor.
Here are some of our favorites. Check em' out while you enjoy a few images of our peach jammin' adventure!
Except for our August Pride peach tree, (which is only 2 years old and has only ten peaches on it) all of our trees have been harvested. I will however, be receiving a shipment of Utah peaches at the end of August. If you would like to order peaches for your own peach canning party, please contact me before August 20th at
Have a Sweet Summer!


Garden Goddess said...

YUMMM - sounds so good! My May pride is also yong and I ate the 10 peaches I got off of it. But I made prickly pear juice today - so now I have about a gallon of juice to make syrups, jellies and anything else I want. I am exceited about the prospects!

OrganicMama said...

Wow! This is great. :) It's nice to find other people gardening in AZ.

I just started canning and it brought back memories of my mom doing it - old school style - with sealing wax.

Thanks for sharing your lovely pics.