Monday, January 17, 2011

Phoenix Permaculture Guild's Fruit Tree Day 2010

Last weekend I enjoyed an afternoon as a volunteer at the Phoenix Permaculture Guild's Annual Fruit Tree Day. That's the day that valley residents gather to pick up their newly ordered fruit, nut, citrus trees and grapevines. These trees and vines are delivered bare-root, (except for the citrus) wrapped in burlap bags, ready to be planted. Participants have their trees pruned if necessary and are able to attend a mini-class on how to plant a fruit tree. Here's something to smile about, 1200 new fruit trees were ordered and will take root in properties across the valley! In just a few seasons, many families will reap the benefits of planting these slender little twigs that will one day explode with sweet, juicy fruit. If you missed this years event, join the Phoenix Permaculture Guild for updates on next years ordering dates.  
Bare-root grapevines, ready for a new home.

If you'd still like to plant a deciduous fruit tree, January is the time. Bare-root varieties of peach, plum, apricots, apples and nectarines are available at local nurseries. These trees are shipped while dormant and need to be in the ground before spring weather awakens the buds, blossoms and foliage. Here's a list of the trees available at Baker Nursery here in the Phoenix area.

Here's what's left in the citrus pick-up area.

Pruning  brings the fruit trees down to "backyard" size.
Here's how to plant a fruit tree!

All trees are spoken for. Happy digging everyone! 

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