Monday, April 11, 2011

Going To Market

We all remember hearing the term, market day. We probably didn't hear if from our mothers, but we might have heard it from our grandmothers or read about it in a book. I remember going "downtown", with my grandmother and mom when I was very young.  It meant that we were going shopping! Not just to the corner grocery store, we were going to make a day of it. It meant a BLT and milkshake at Woolworths. We sat in a row at the counter, I would twirl around on  those bar stools and stick my legs out. Next, we crossed the street to JC Penny's, for a new scarf or some other item of beauty. It meant window shopping and talking and I guess you could call it lingering. My grandmother always passed people she knew, stopping to chat for a moment. This was main street, soon after that, main street turned into "the mall". Whatever the era, marketing is an important social and economic event. Last weekend we joined two valley neighborhood farmers markets, we did some buying, selling, trading, talking, eating and we lingered.
Yes, we gathered up our "goods" from our garden and orchard and kitchen and... we went to Market!
Daughters Aaryn and Caitie, our  Sweet Life Garden girls!

Samples of our marmalade and peach jam.

A donation of fresh eggs from the hens.

Aaryn and Jill

Here we are, being part of the market. Special  thanks to Caroline of Boho Farm and Home and Lylah of The Simple Farm, we sure like having you as our friends and fellow farmgirls!
xoxo   Jill
Hi Homestead Barn Hop friends! So happy to have you stop by, we love meeting new friends! A big thank you to Deborah Jean, for letting us share the love! You'll love her delicious site, check it out!


Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

I love it! Wish we could've been there. Soon enough we shall meet! :) And your daughters are gorgeous. :)

Kim said...

What a darling post! And I love the new header. xx, K

Sweet Life Garden said...

Alyssa, I stopped by your site today, It was delightful! Thanks for visiting. I hope you can visit the real garden one day.

Kim, thanks, Lindsay designed the header for me. I like it too. I'm working on making everything LARGER! I gotta call you about that.

earlysnowdrop said...

Love Farmers' Markets. Your jam looks delectable.

Jill Roberts said...

My son and I were out going to yard sales on Saturday and happened upon the Boho Farm & Home market. We stopped in for just a bit...wish I knew that you were there to say hi. It was so wonderful!

Sweet Life Garden said...

Thanks Jill, please stay in touch! Join my fan page so I can let you know when the garden tour sign up is up and running (any day now)!

Kimberly said...

It all sounds so wonderful!!!

Unknown said...

Oh how fun it would have been to stop by! Your market looks so fun and fresh!
From one farmgirl to another!

Teresa said...

Everything looks beautiful! I so wish I could try that peach jam.