Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flower Street Gardener

I never miss a chance to take in some extra beauty. Just around the corner, a new neighbor has moved in and brightened up the whole street with her dazzling new flower bed. Although, I usually take Mulberry Street to exit my property, I cannot help but take a detour through Flower Street just to see what's coming up in my neighbor's flower garden. Kristy reminds me of the lady in a picture book that I used to read to my children. It's called Miss Rumphius, by Barbra Cooney. It's about Alice, a young girl who's grandfather asks her the all important question, "what will you do to make the world a more beautiful place." After spending her life traveling the throughout the world, Alice finally comes home to sow lupine seeds over the hills and valleys of her community.
My new neighbor, Kristy has added her own personal touch to our neighborhood. Many of her seeds were gathered years ago from her grandmother's cottage garden. What a wonderful gift to pass on to your granddaughter. Now, another gifted gardener has continued in the art of spreading beauty!

Kristy shared this quote with me. I think this is an appropriate time to share it with you. I'd like to dedicate this to Kristy's Grandmother Fern
 and to my garden mentor, my Mother, Raelene.

"Once her footsteps fade, a gardener's spirit may linger in her created world, in the rustle of her favorite trees and  in the colors and combinations of her planting beds. If she's lucky, someone will nurture what she loved, preserving it as a living testament of what she left behind." 

                                         Thanks Kristi, for letting us visit your lovely garden!
                                                      Happy Mothers Day
                                            Mothers everywhere!  

                                         We linked up to A Wise Women Builds Her Home here!


Andy and Kiara said...

What a beautiful garden! :)

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What a beautiful garden. How lucky you are to be able to enjoy it too. Thank you for sharing.

Lylah Ledner said...

oh dear Jill - your post title caught my eye and the photography captured my heart...your blog is a morning joy to drink my French Press to....thanks for sharing beautiful friend!

xoxo lylah

Boho Farm and Home said...

What a beautiful garden! I am going to have to go down Flower next time I come over and spy it with my own eyes. Happy Mother's Day to you! xoxo

Fishtail Cottage said...

Hi there....would love some of those double ruffled poppy seeds...? any chance you'd send me some? oxox, tracie

Sweet Life Garden said...

I will ask! Kristy... if you see this, will share your seeds with us?!

Nikki Green Caprara said...

What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. Happy Mother's Day to the Greatest Gardner of all. xoxo.

Connie said...

Beautiful flowers!

Happy Mother's Day to you!

p.s. Love the recipe for your potato doughnuts.