Saturday, May 14, 2011

Practice Run

Gardeners are a sappy lot (overly sentimental or full of sap). We can sometimes get caught up in our own little world, surrounded by our growing things. It often happens, when you have your hands in the dirt, you sometimes forget to look up. Not in a bad way, it's just like... well, if you lived in your own little paradise, why would you want to leave it?
But, gather we did!
Here, are some photo's that show what happens when gardeners get together and decide to share their world with one another, and with family and friends.
We had our first garden tour a couple of years ago, we kept it small, we invited family and close friends and neighbors. We all brought a dish to share, and we gathered together and talked about our love of gardening , food and people.
We had such a good time, that we decided to expand and open our gardens to more neighbors!
That's where The Edible Garden Tour and Market all began.

My grandson (he's in lots of photo's, sorry but he's my grandson).
Mary's Garden
Mary shares her garden with neighbors.
Children frolicking...
Rebecca and Troy's garden
Ginny's garden
The guy in the yellow shirt is David (I told you we were sappy!) He's one of the gardeners.
David's garden
We ended the evening with a pot luck and we secretly devised a plan to change the world!


Lylah Ledner said...

. . . and the rest is reading the post's awesome! and we love the privilege of being a part of Arcadia (even though we're 'up here."

xoxo lylah

Jill Roberts said...

i'm not ablet to make it to the tour today...but was able to come in the fall and that is what inspired me to have my chickens and raised garden beds. i love every minute of it...thanks for inspiring others!

Connie said...

What an awesome idea! Your photos of the beautiful gardens are great!
We planted our garden on Friday (our growing season here is a little later than yours). We're excited to reap the harvest in a few months.

I checked out the sweet potato donuts. Looks like a delicious recipe! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love coming to your page, just to relax with the beautiful photos. You're a welcome blog of peace and tranquility, my friend.

Sweet Life Garden said...

Girlfriends! Thank you, for all of your kind messages. Your encouragement makes me smile!xoxo jill

Unknown said...

My friends and I enjoyed visiting your farmyard this past weekend. It was just breathtaking! I would love to know where you purchased fruit trees that were already trained to create a fence.

Sweet Life Garden said...

Thank you for coming to our garden tour! I thought it was wonderful! We bought our espaliers at Baker Nursery in Phoenix about five years ago. They usually have them available in December when the bare root trees arrive for spring planting. There is a link on my side bar if you want to check them out. Tell them I sent you! jill

Joanne said...

So thats where the sunshine went to! Raining here and will continue for the rest of the week!Great pictures! Blessings, Joanne

Reading Tea Leaves said...

Thank you for your recent visit to my blog.

This sounds very similar to the Open Garden scheme that we have over here. I love them! Exploring gardens is one of my favourite things to do.

Those veggies look great!


OrganicMama said...

What beautiful gardens! Can't wait to see them in person. I'm sure we'll connect before the fall tour but my friend and I are securing our tickets early. ;)