Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Taste of Summer

Tomatoes aren't just round and red any more! They are fluted, lobed, scalloped, flattened, puckered and heart shaped. The colors and shades are glorious. They come in variations of pinks, oranges, golds, maroons, redish-browns, and shades of purplish-blacks. The flavors range from, sweet and meaty to fruity and tart or dark and smoky. Look at what we've been missing!
Varieties include, Paul Robeson, old German, Rutgers, Stupice, and Black Cherry
Matt's wild cherry, clusters of 1/2 inch, very sweet, cherry tomatoes cover this plant!
Cherokee Purple
Perfect for a nice tomato sandwich! (my grandpa's favorite!)

Barbara at Tigers & Strawberries has a great post on heirloom tomatoes here.

Also posted at Food Renegade!


Alyssa the Ragamuffin said...

These are gorgeous! You're an inspiration!!! I'm so excited that we've taken the first step, and so excited for the rest of the steps. :)

Nikki Green Caprara said...

So beautiful! I bet that they taste as good as they look. xoxo. N.

Jacqui@FrenchVillageDiaries said...

Lovely photos, ours are a long way off yet, but I'm waiting!!!

Lylah Ledner said...

so beautiful jill.....

miss you! xo lylah

Sweet Life Garden said...

Thank you girls! They taste unbelievable! Worth the wait!

biobabbler said...

woooo! You have Cherokee purples. Those are the best tomatoes I've ever tasted and such an incredible, complex, deep, rich color! And all those scalloped ones KILL me. GORGEOUS, all. =)

Sweet Life Garden said...

cherokee purple are amazing! I have never tasted anything so wonderful. Now that is a real fruit!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

This is my first year for Cherokee purples; glad to know they will be as tasty and as beautiful as touted.

Jennifer said...

What beautiful pictures..makes me more determined than ever to have a garden to take my grandkids out to!

Linda said...

Those look beautiful! All of it. Our big tomatoes are just ripening and the birds are getting them just as they are turning red. :( What do you do to keep the birds away?

Atelier de Campagne said...

YUM! Those tomatoes make my mouth water! I just began a hiatus from my teaching job to focus on my business, spend time with my mother and work in my garden. Your blogging is inspiring!


mashelly said...

oh gosh how devine..I am just planting all my tomys seeds out now hoping for a bumper crop like this