Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gathering Friends

The month of December always makes me pause to reflect on the passing of another year. This post is my thank you note for 2009. First, what an honor it was to have the community visit our garden for the Tour de Coops. On this crisp, cool December morning our little plot of property seemed to be transformed into a village of like-minded neighbors. Many experienced chicken owners stopped by to exchange ideas and share notes. Others entered our gate, curious and filled with questions, ready for inspiration. As I listened, conversations turned to ambitious intentions for new coops, choosing the best chicken breeds and where to buy organic feed. With patience and small steps we are learning and working together. We are gathering friends and relying on one another. We are so glad that we can be a part of this change. I'd like to thank my daughters (all five) who, from a very young age learned to mix hard work with play while weeding, planting and chasing stray chickens. They were my "volunteers" at the Tour, and as always, I knew all the things that needed to be done were in the most capable of hands. To my husband, who reminds me that although we are small, this is a "working farm" and therefore all the ugly stuff piled behind the shed is part of the deal. Thank you for building chicken coops, garden boxes, shoveling chicken poop and gardening by my side. You are my "as you wish" man. Together, with my family, we wish all of our friends and neighbors a bountiful and prosperous new year. To my neighbors who stopped by, please consider starting a garden or chicken blog or becoming a follower. I'd love keep in touch and know how your chickens are laying and how your garden grows.

1 comment:

Vynnie the Gardener said...

Greetings Jill & Hal!
Love your blog. It was great meeting you at the coup tour - your garden is pure inspiration!

We've started our own raised edible beds thanks to you.

Vynnie & Robin