Monday, February 21, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday...

Today is a holiday, don't you just love any holiday. Just hearing the word makes me think that we should do  something special. So, we thought and thought and we decided to make a lemon pie! Mostly, because it's citrus season here and the trees are just waiting to be picked.
The daffodils (ice follies) loved the nice spring rain and somehow all the lovely things today turned out to be yellow!
So... Happy Monday to You!


Boho Farm and Home said...

That looks delicious Jill! Yum!

Sweet Life Garden said...

It was good, it's all gone now! My eighteen year old daughter made it, she's getting really good at making the family treats!

Nikki Green Caprara said...

Looks delicious!

Masha said...

Your pie looks delicious, and your daffs are very pretty.