Saturday, October 22, 2011

Create an Autumn Color Spot!

Finally, a break in the weather! I gather my terra cotta pots that are filled with dried up potting soil.
A Trip to the local nursery. Color choice for this season: Pink and white!
I choose a some nice healthy Geranium or Pelagonium (Raspberry Dreams and Bubblegum), for their big splash of color! 
Petunias (salmon dreams) they easily fit in smaller, compact spaces.   
For height, I grab snap dragons, (in ribbon rose). Lastly, I can't leave the nursery without sweet alyssum (white), perfect for spilling over the edge of the pot! (you want lots of that!)
I like to buy plants with healthy leaves and lots of plump buds. Check for bugs and any discoloring or diseased leaves. Don't buy plants that are root-bound. And, make sure you read labels for light and water requirements. Keep your plant choice to a minimum of three varieties, or your garden will look like a "hodgepodge". You want your colors to stand out, and the more of one color you have, the brighter your corner will be!
An empty pot, it's like an empty canvas! I add some new potting soil to last season's  mix. A little fertilizer ( I had some rose food near by). Add water to moisten the soil, and I'm ready to plant.
First, I plant the tallest flower. It needs space, so it should be planted in the back or the middle of the pot. Then, I add the petunias and the sweet alyssum near the edge. Picture in your mind... the mature size of the plant and plant accordingly.
Add water, fertilizer and mix well.
Geraniums stand alone, give them plenty of room to spread and flourish.
That's it, arrange in groups of two or three or four. It's nice to have pots in multiple heights and sizes. Look around your garden, where do you need a spot of color? Where do you sit? Place the pots where you can see and enjoy them!

Now, take a seat and enjoy your weekend!


Joanne said...

Beautiful! I love those pots too.
Blessings, Joanne

ann said...

It looks like you are just gearing up in your garden, while we are putting ours to sleep for a long winter's nap. I will enjoy your lovely blooms all winter.

Boho Farm and Home said...

Love all that rusty patina on those urns of geraniums!

Dewi said...

Such a lovely rustic pots, they seem perfect for your pelargoniums.

Btw, thank you so much for following my blog, and I shall follow yours as well.


Sweet Life Garden said...

Thank you Caroline, I bought those urns at Target about five years ago!
Dewi, so happy to have you as a new friend!