Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Time to Plant Sweet Peas!

It wouldn't be Autumn without sowing a few of those little round Sweet Pea seeds! October is the month to sow Sweet Peas, the most deliciously fragrant flower in the garden. 
Here are a few helpful hints on how to grow sweet peas:
Sweet Peas need a long growing season, here in the southwest we plant in the fall and they bloom in the spring. Choose a nice sunny location. Make sure your soil is nice and well cultivated and has plenty of composted manure. I usually dig down to a depth of 10 inches. I soak my seeds for 48 hrs, and plant seeds about an inch deep. Sweet Peas are climbers and will need a vertical support or trellis. They can reach a height of 5 or 6 feet. Keep them well watered.  Now... watch and wait! 

                                           Have a wonderful week!


ann said...

You remind me to add sweet peas to my list of seeds for next year. Yours are lovely.

Lexa said...

Jill- what beautiful pictures of your sweet peas. I can almost smell them! Enjoy your Fall planting. It will be March before I can think about swet peas up here. Thanks for visiting my blog too!

rosiemomma said...

Oh thanks for the reminder. I have a bunch of seeds from last fall and I can't wait for that heavenly scent. There's nothing like it. Have you ever tried them in half-barrels? I'm just wondering how they would do...

hopflower said...

What a lovely picture. I have grown them for many years and never tire of them. And for the lady who wondered about half barrels: yes, they will do splendidly in them. Get them in soon.

Sweet Life Garden said...

Thank you for your comments! If you grow sweet peas, please feel free to add your secret to growing these wonderful flowers. I'd love to hear more...

Joanne said...

The third picture is simply adorable!
Blessings, Joanne