Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We're Ready for You!

The week of our Edible Garden Tour is upon us. There is so much to do! My husband and I are walking around the garden, looking at some of the newly erupting weeds that were not there yesterday and evaluating what we need to do before the weekend. One of the projects that needs our immediate attention is finding a larger place to house the meat chickens. They were perfectly fine, foraging and fertilizing an empty raised bed, until this week. They have out grown it, eaten all of the weeds and seem to be stampeding back and forth with those growing feet.
Neighbors, Jack and Leah's village goats will arrive in a couple of weeks for a visit and we need a perfect spot for them too. Our little seedlings are coming along and crisp green winter veggies are ready for the salad bowls. The chilly nights have cooled the soil, causing growth to slow with the changing of the season. The ground beneath the peach trees is covered with lovely golden leaves. It is Autumn in the garden.

For all of our Garden Tour participants, the gardens you will visit this Sunday are not the manicured lawns and gardens that you sometimes see in the Arcadia area (well, except for Caroline's Boho Farm ). We'd all really rather sow seeds of carrots and beets than of rye grass seed. These are working urban mini farms with goats, chickens and other animals that need to be feed, watered, milked and cared for in times of illness. There are holes to be dug, posts to be set, manure to be spread and pens to be cleaned. We have orchards to prune, vegetables to tend, and dinner to prepare. Most of us have day jobs too!
The thing is... we love what we do. The micro farmers/gardeners on the tour are attempting to master the ancient art of growing our own food. They are dedicated and passionate about community, sharing and changing the way we eat and live.We know many of you feel the same way.
 Come celebrate with us, we can't wait to meet and talk!  


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I'm sure the tour will go well. I wish I could check it out!

Project Home said...

Everything looks great! We can't wait to enjoy the beautiful gardens.

Joanne said...

Crossing my fingers for you!
Blessings, Joanne