Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Arcadia's Edible Garden Tour Fall 2011

Our Edible Garden Tour turned out to be delightful! I loved watching faces, listening to intent questions and hearing the updates from returning gardeners. This tour is a labor of love and devotion for not only me and my family, but also for my fellow urban and suburban gardeners that participate along with us. I have called it a "gathering of gardeners", and I would like to introduce you to each of them, along with the story of how we happened to run into each. (In my next post. Just because there's a lot to say about them)! I also want you to meet the lovely neighborhood market vendors, in a post of their own. Keep in mind that Sweet Life Garden is only one of the eight gardens on the tour. We have the market and the refreshments here, but the other gardens are all equally inspiring!
I'll have to extend this garden party out to a three part series ... here we go, enjoy the tour!
You can't have a garden celebration without good food and a place to linger and talk. 
Tables ready for our guests.
The girls at myfarmyard baked for hours and filled our tables with an assortment of amazing refreshments!
I love to add color and beauty anywhere I can. Small pots can be easily moved to just the right spot!
Many of our herbs are planted in half wine barrels, it keeps them within easy reach and   contains the herbs that  sometimes over take the garden beds.
Lovely garden visitors1
Our compost bins are hidden behind the little barn. This is where our good soil begins. One of the most frequently asked questions on the tour... how do you make your compost? We'll tell you all about that at a a later time.

We had lots of help at the tour. Here's Emma, Roseanne and Aaryn taking a break.
So glad you stopped by the garden today!


momcob said...

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures, we will be at the next one for sure.

momcob said...
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ann said...

Gardeners love to tour others' gardens to get ideas and just to be inspired. Your garden tour looks quite successful with much to see and much to learn.

The Lamonds said...

We made it to the Tour de Coops, but hopefully we can make it to the next Edible Garden Tour! Though we did walk behind us to check out Jack and Leah's :-) I've started a little garden out my front door. Thank you for inspiring me!

Sunday Taylor said...

What a wonderful garden tour and your photos are excellent! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your kind comments. I will enjoy following your blog now especially because of its theme. I'm in several garden groups and my garden was on a garden tour last May. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Savories of life said...

Wish I could have come with you. Ah flowersoh I wish we could have some in winter. Thanks for putting up the pictures. i ahd a nice stroll with you:)I love baskets of apples.