Monday, September 9, 2013

A Visit to Date Creek Ranch

There are times that the farmer (even small backyard farmers) need a break. This weekend we took a road trip to Date Creek Ranch, a family cattle ranch and orchard owned and run by Kimberly Knight and her husband Stefan. Together they raise 100% grass fed beef, corn raised pork and pastured chickens. Date Creek Ranch is located near the small western town of Wickenburg, AZ.  As you drive through the high desert you would never know that this little oasis of a ranch is here until you travel down a dirt road and then turn off where suddenly it opens up into a beautiful, green valley.
We were lucky enough to pick the last of this seasons apples while we were there. This year the apples were very sparse due to the late spring freeze. We grabbed a wheelbarrow and the sweet little grandchild ( her sweet parents came too)! And, off to the orchard we went!

 You know how I love orchards! These old apple trees form a shady arbor and a cool spot to rest.

Most of the apples were in the very tops of the trees, but they were worth the effort!

Below is the pasture where the cows graze, but for some reason I forgot to get a photo of the cows!
Thank you to Kimberly and Stefano for their warm hospitality and sharing their apples with us! You'll have to wait until next year for a new crop of apples (sorry). If you are interested in ordering their organic, grass fed beef here's the link. Visit their website for more history and details about their passion for providing their community with healthy, local food!


Nikki Green Caprara said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like so much fun!

Lylah Ledner said...

of course i love this and your photography is amazing!

Debbie Petras said...

Great photos! I especially love those cute boots and necklace on your little bundle of joy. She is adorable! Good to know about this place not too far from Phoenix. Now if only it would get a bit cooler in our area. :)

Blessings and love,