Monday, November 18, 2013

Into the Gardens!

The Edible Garden Tour is only a week away! All of the gardeners on the tour are passionately preparing for our tour guests.
 I wanted to give you a sneak peak of the tour and introduce you to Kay and Gordon, the owners of  Jardin de Lagniappe (lan-yap). The name Lagniappe means a gift or a little something extra. When you enter Kay and Gordon's magical garden you will see that the name is perfect for both the garden and the couple that so gracefully tend the garden. 
Included in the garden are Gordon's newly installed straw bales planted with strawberries, lettuce and other vegetables, raised beds, citrus trees, and mayhaw trees. The newly planted mayhaw trees were shipped from their home state of Louisiana and given a special place in the garden. Kay describes the fruit as almost like little apples, she adds that she will be making mayhaw jelly! (can't wait for that)
Beautiful, healthy, vegetables fill the raised garden boxes!

Kay harvests yellow squash and zucchini beneath the giant leaves.
A snail vine covers an arbor and creates a perfect place to sit and relax.
Little flower seedlings are just emerging in Kay's shaded flower box. The fabulous white flowers that are overflowing along the wrought iron fence are bougainvilleas.
Below, you can never have enough wine barrels for a splash of color!
A "bottle tree" glistens in the sun!
The tomatoes are thriving in this sunny location. Gordon feeds them about every two weeks with bone meal, fish emulsion and coffee grounds.

Peppers from the garden are used to make Kay's delectable pepper jelly. Other specialties include pickled onions, and zucchini pepper relish. Yes, Gordon and Kay's garden... is just a little something extra, that pretty much says it all! Kay, Gordon and all of the wonderful urban gardeners will see you soon at the 2013 Fall Arcadia Edible Garden Tour!

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