Sunday, December 12, 2010

Party in the Garden

There is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with family, friends and neighbors. This was no ordinary Sunday afternoon, it was the First Annual Edible Garden Tour ( The turnout far exceeded our expectations. My fellow gardeners and I worked long and hard for this day, but it was so worth the effort. We had such a lovely time meeting and talking with all of you. I don't think I need to say much more, except, that I agree with Mary (her garden was the first stop on the tour). She called me the day after the tour and said, " I've been smiling all day just thinking about it." That's the way we all felt as we watched people enter our gardens. It was just neighbors being neighbors again and that felt darn good! For those of you who weren't able to attend, we have not forgotten about you, a Spring garden tour is in the planning stage! Take a look at our garden party! (More images on the previous post.)

Tour attendants check out the very tall date palm.

Gardeners from My sale their wares.

Jack, soup maker extraordinaire.

Mary (with mother Beth), tossing her delicious salad. 

Here's the soup line. This soup was truly taken from the garden to the pot!

All seats are filled. We hope all tour participants were inspired with new garden ideas, all stomachs were satisfied with a small taste of local, organic produce, and everyone enjoyed visiting with  good company. See you in the Spring!

The 2010 Arcadia's Edible Garden Tour Gardeners.
Hal, Rebecca, Leah, Jack,
Jill, Mary and David


Anonymous said...

Dear Jill, What a fun time looks to have been had by all here. A most enterprising idea and a marvellous opportunity for the community to come together and get to know one another rather better. I am sure that you will have more offers for a Spring Tour.

Sweet Life Garden said...

Oh Edith, wish you could have joined us. Always good to hear from you!

Nourishing Words said...

What a beautiful idea for celebrating garden bounty and community all at once. It looks like a great time! Thanks for sharing the photos! ~Eleanor