Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday's Roses

I wouldn't want you to tire of pinks, so today I'll  introduce you to "Pat Austin". She's a new member of the rose garden, named after David Austin, the famous English author and rose breeder. He specializes in breeding roses with the character and fragrance of old garden roses. Order a catalog, his roses are amazing! In fact, my husband and I agreed that from now on we would always choose "smeller's". That's a rose with a real rose scent, that's why we like the David Austin roses. The Pat Austin rose is a bright and cherry splash of orange-gold. She's a stand out in my garden. Take a look! 
If you like the shimmering orange sherbet shades, you'll love " Livin' Easy". This rose is a floribunda, which means it has a cluster of smaller flowers instead of just one rose on a stem. This rose doesn't smell as grand as Pat Austin but, it changes into amazing color variations, just like a sunset! Happy Thursday!


Savories of life said...

Roses are on of my favrite flowers ( I jsut put a picture or two up on my blog from my trip to South carolina and the gardens). Which do you like best?

Masha said...

Pat Austin is one of my favorite Austins despite an ugly fade color and no vase life :). Thank you for posting about this rose.

Deborah said...

Beautiful roses, photographs and blog! Visiting from Leslie's La Fourchette in Aix-en-Provence. Just a lucky hit, but I think I'll stick around and follow.

Judy said...

Love the salmon-yellow color of this rose. Beautiful photos.

Foodiewife said...

My husband has the green thumb. I tinker in the garden, but he's the one who does all the "feeding" of our plants. He reaps the rewards from my herb and tomato garden. Your garden is just beautiful. My roses just opened up, today! I can't have too many roses!